Tell-Tale Signs You Need New Wireless Headphones

Can the new year justify a new pair of headphones? Perhaps, although many may consider it another milestone highlighting how well-beloved belongings have lasted. So, when is it time to replace your old Bluetooth headphones/earphones in favor of a brand new pair?

Some reasons are not as obvious as others, however, if you’ve been experiencing any or all of the following issues with your earphones, it’s time for a change:


If your earphones are using an older Bluetooth version (2.0/3.0), you’re missing out on the improved, sonic performance of Bluetooth 4.0 and its longer battery life. Likewise, it your current pair doesn’t feature Bluetooth aptX Low Latency, you’ll likely find that there’s an audio delay when watching movies or playing games. Phiaton’s BT 220 NC earphones make an excellent choice for a new pair, featuring Bluetooth 4.0 with aptX for streaming “CD-like” audio quality. Our 900 Legacy headphones feature the latest Bluetooth 5.1 providing incredible reliability and distance when to comes to wireless connection


Today’s earphone technology was built to fit your lifestyle, so if you’re struggling to keep your earphones in at the gym or you’re battling with tangled cords, it’s time to look for a new option that will better suit your needs. Phiaton’s BT 120  NC Noise cancelling earphones are one such option which removes the burden of unwieldy cords and stays comfortably in your ear during activities.


If the headphone volume won’t adjust immediately or it takes repeat attempts to play/pause/skip tracks, you’re putting up with a sub-par user experience. While quality headphone construction helps to stand that test of time, not all measure up. What you want are headphone controls that feel like a natural extension of will, conveniently accessible so you’re not digging for your connected device. Phiaton’s BT 460 headphones take this to an entirely new level, replacing standard audio device controls with a touch interface.


If your wireless earphones are causing soreness or fatigue, it’s about time for a new pair. Tip size and material are key for comfort, so it’s important to pick an earphone that comes with a selection of silicone and/or Comply Foam tips, such as Phiaton’s BT 220 NC earphones.


Some earphone products can deteriorate due to malfunctioning electronics, yet “still be listenable.” The Bluetooth module can suffer limited range and/or a failure to pair with devices, yet audio “plays fine” through cables. The battery may last only a fraction of what it once did, yet it “works for a bit.” These are all signs that you are overdue for replacement earphones.

When selecting your next pair, there are plenty of options for Bluetooth wireless headphones, but not all are able to hit that sweet spot for features versus price – something Phiaton happens to excel at. Here are Phiaton’s latest wireless earphone and headphone offerings to consider in your search for a new pair:

By Stan Goodner

February 24, 2017

1 comment


    Hi. I’m looking for a clip replacement for my bt 220 … the headphones work great. Thanks

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